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Camille often teases that she has a "book problem." Many members have asked about her many recommendations and how to find them.  We decided providing this easy resource was a great way to offer suggestions.  Look through our may categories and let us know if you have any recommendations. 

#SoulProfessional Purpose Beyond Profit Media Resources

The Ultimate Guide to
Soul Professional® Success

Two Books. Over 40 Stories.

Camille L. Miller, Pioneer of the Soul Professional Movement and Founder of the Natural Life Business Partnership, brings the best of the best together to give you the greatest tips and the most practical strategies for creating a business that aligns with your heart and soul and reaching your financial potential while staying in alignment.


The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Soul-Aligned Business is not only the validation you need for creating the business of your dreams, but also a guidebook and resource for taking the next best steps to awaken your financial potential while staying in alignment with your soul, purpose, and joy.


25 very personal stories from  Soul Professionals as they share their journeys of creating their own soul-aligned businesses.

If you’re tired of traditional business models and the ego-centered ways of building wealth, look no further. You have the answer to your business growth and financial wellbeing right here in this book.


The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Soul Professional® is the strategy-rich text you need for accelerated growth in your soul-aligned business. As the second book of the Ultimate Guide Series, it provides 22 genuine stories from highly successful and experienced Soul Professionals focused on helping you network better, strategize more, and increase your business results, plus each expert offers an easy-to-follow strategy that

helped them succeed.

If you’re looking for an ultimate guide to getting to that next level of success this book is it!

There is no great secret to creating a massively profitable business that aligns with your soul’s purpose.

There is, however, a need to shift your mindset to get there.

- Camille L Miller

Camille's Favorite Business Books

Recommended Audio Classroom ​

Mind-Body Medicine | Spiritual | Self Help 

Food | Water | Eating | Nutrition

Our Member's Books

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