NLBP Launches New Soul Professional™ Movement
Align Soulfully, Evolve Personally, Thrive Professionally
Flemington, NJ: Natural Life Business Partnership (NLBP) announces a global move to lend credence to the evolution of the new Soul Professional™.
Created in 2016, NLBP set out to disrupt the idea of what a professional should be, creating an evolved version of a professional organization. In February of 2020, the organization decided to settle in as a boutique community for high-earning soul-preneurs. A month later the world shut down and interest skyrocketed as the online global model was ideal for the new virtual work life. NLBP became the global professional organization for soul-centered professionals.
“The last two years we have seen a global shift in the way people are conducting business and creating relationships. It’s not transactional as much as building professional relationships. Soul-centered business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders are looking to connect from the heart, and grow in an aligned and authentic way,” explains NLBP Founder, Camille Miller. “It's been my mission to establish a professional group of people who "get you". They understand you, they resonate with you, and they share similar values and beliefs. They believe in your passion, your philosophy, and your purpose, and you believe in theirs.” Soul Professionals embrace their purpose beyond profit.
This week the organization launched its new website, logo, and Soul Professional™ branding. NLBP is embracing the changing professional world and the evolution of the soul-centered entrepreneur. Camille says “I pride myself on being professional, but I also embrace my spirit. I didn’t want the woo woo stigma attached to my professionalism, so I created a new organization where I can be authentic both personally and professionally.”
Natural Life Business Partnership is open to all fields and professions. It’s about who you are not what you do. To learn more go to www.SoulProfessional.com.
The Natural Life Business Partnership is a global professional organization for purpose-driven, soul-centered entrepreneurs who live in a higher vibration, have an alternative approach to business, and want to repair the world. Join the movement!